
U sklopu manifestacije Signali u gradu, koja je dio programa obilježavanja 70. obljetnice osloboðenja Rijeke, u Art-kinu Croatia održavaju se projekcije tematskih filmova za uèenike osnovnih i srednjih škola.

Art-kino was opened in 2008. It operates as a platform for the development of the audio-visual activity in Rijeka and it took over the role of the promoter of film culture. Not only is Art-kino a place where movies are shown and watched, but also a place to discuss them, place for education, communication and researching the art of moving pictures, film reflections and reflections on films. Art-kino is being developed as the central city institution and central city cinema with a varied and continuous offer of quality films, with programmes for children and young people, as a film centre with educational programmes and a vivid hub of social life.

The Civic Museum of Rijeka

U sklopu manifestacije Dani talijanske kulture i talijanskog jezika u Rijeci, Muzej grada Rijeke priredio je izložbu Giovanni Rubinich – arhitektonski opus. Autorica izložbe je Deborah Pustišek, a izložba ostaje otvorena do 31. sijecnja 2014. Giovanni Rubinich (1876. – 1945.) - arhitekt, politicar i mason - sin je lovranskog samoukog graditelja Andrea Rubinicha i otac arhitekta Giovannija mladeg. Diplomirao je 1900. godine na Politehnickom fakultetu u Budimpešti. U Rijeci je osnovao projektnu i gradevinsku firmu, a radio je i u Tehnickom gradskom uredu. Smatra se jednim od najvažnijih predstavnika rijeckog secesijskog graditeljstva uz Emilija Ambrosinija. Najveci dio opusa ostvario je u svega prvih desetak godina karijere, nakon cega se aktivno poceo baviti politikom, pritom djelomicno zanemarujuci struku.

The Civic Museum of Rijeka was founded in 1994, It s the most recently established cultural institution in the city which has taken over the holdings of the Museum of National Revolution.

The activities of the Museum include systematic collection, preservation, protection and professional treatment of items belonging to the city’s cultural, political, economic, as well as scientific and technological history, and displaying holdings of importance to the City of Rijeka and its neighbouring area.

The Civic Museum of Rijeka has twelve collections, it does not have a permanent display, however all the collections are available for watching and reviewing every working day.

The Museum of modern and contemporary art

MMS Exhibition Tomislav Gotovac

The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art has been operating since 1948 as a museum and gallery institution. It collects and keeps artworks of the 19th century artists from Rijeka and of Croatian and foreign artists created in the 20th and the 21st century.

The Museum haw two exhibition premises: MMCA (Krešimirova 26cI) and Mali Salon (Korzo 24).


The Croatian National Theatre Ivan Zajc

Koncert Jesen sa Sibeliusom u HNK Ivana Zajca (2)(1)

For over two centuries theatre tradition has been continuously promoted in the City of Rijeka. In 1953, the Rijeka theatre was named after Ivan Zajc. In 1991, the theatre was assigned the status of a national theatre. The programme is realised through activities of the Croatian and Italian Drama ensembles, the Opera and the Ballet ensembles and concert activity.The carefully selected repertoire of the Rijeka Theatre contributes to its distinctness. New interpretations of drama, opera and ballet classics are performed or plays belonging to Croatian drama and opera heritage, premières of national plays are performed, with an emphasis on modern and young authors, while also regularly surveying the latest global theatre trends in the field of performing arts.
Since 2004 the Theatre has been the organiser of the manifestation “Rijeka Summer Nights”. The Theatre is a member of the European Theatre Convention.

The City Puppet Theatre

Premijera lutkarske predstave "Snježna kraljica" održana je u Gradskom kazalištu lutaka Rijeka 6. veljace. Autorica dramatizacije je Vedrana Balen Spincic, redatelj Serdo Dlacic, dok je kreacija lutaka, maski i scenografije povjerena Luci Vidanovic.

The City Puppet Theatre was established in Rijeka in 1960, and has been going from strength to strength ever since to the joy of Rijeka children. Since 1993 the theatre has been established as the City Puppet Theatre. In February 1996, the City Puppet Theatre moved into refurbished premises which can accommodate 188 persons, where the theatre has been located to date. In 2004, the city of Rijeka and Rijeka puppet actors hosted the 19th UNIMA /Union Internationale de la Marionnette/World Congress and the International Puppet Festival, both exceptionally successful. The City Puppet Theatre is the organiser of the Puppet Theatre Revue, which is also a very successful manifestation.

The Rijeka City Library

Gradska knjižnica Rijeka, Filodrammatica Obilazak gradonacelnika Vojka Obersnela središnjeg odjela gradske knjižnice u prostoru Filodrammatica 28.28.2015.

The Rijeka City Library is the central national library of the city of Rijeka, playing the role of the parent library for public and school libraries at County level. The Library is responsible for procuring, cataloguing, preserving and lending the library holdings. It also is engaged in preparing, researching and providing diverse library data. Through various activities, the library strives to animate, motivate and educate its users, with a view to promoting books, reading, knowledge and to raising the general educational and cultural level of the population.

The Croatian Cultural Centre


The Croatian Cultural Centre is the youngest cultural institution set up in November 2017. This institution has at its disposal a large hall with a stage, rehearsal facilities and galleries, and it has been envisaged as a city’s cultural centre that owing to its professional personnel and equipment enables and provides support to various cultural activities with the aim of satisfying the citizens’ cultural needs.

The activities carried out by the institution are tied to programme coordination and implementation produced by independent and institutional cultural organisations, support to programmes within the European capital of culture and the exhibition programme of the Kortil Gallery. The institution is responsible for assembling stages and tribunes for the needs of city manifestations and programmes.

The institution operates in the building built from 1936 to 1947 according to a project produced by Josip Pičman and is included in the List of protected cultural heritage of the Registry of cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia.


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