Taxi companies, prices and fare rules applicable in the territory of the city of Rijeka.

Taxi services are available from 00:00 to 24:00 H.

The vehicle which serves to perform taxi services in the territory of the city of Rijeka, based on a granted permission, shall be exclusively white with wording “RIJEČKI TAKSI” displayed on both sides of the vehicle and the name of the taxi carrier who has been granted the permission, while a sticker with the licence number shall be displayed on the windshield.

The taxi driver may receive additional passengers who travel in the same direction in his taxi only subject to prior consent of the first passenger occupying the taxi, and in this case, the taxi service shall be charged as one ride.

The taxi driver shall:

  • drive the passenger using the shortest route, or the route determined by the passenger, without stopping along the route.
  • activate the taximeter at the beginning of the journey.
  • end the ride the passenger has ordered, arriving at his destination, and shall provide the passenger with a taxi fare receipt.

If, due to a taxi fault it is not possible to end the journey, the tax carrier shall provide another vehicle to dive the passenger to his destination.

While carrying out taxi services, the taxi driver shall have in his vehicle:

  • licence,
  • taxi tariff rates (in Croatian, English and Italian),
  • city map.

The tariff rates must include the following fare prices:

  • for a fare up to 5 km (which is fixed and represents a starting price – maximum up to HRK 30.00)
  • for one km fare (expressed in HRK, for a fare up to 5 km – maximum up to HRK 7.00 ) one hour fare (lower than the speed limit or stops, that cannot be lower than the price of one kilometre fare – maximum up to HRK 10.00)
  • night fare tariffs (maximum 20% up when compared to daily journeys )

Night fares relate to journeys in the period from 24:00 to 06:00.

There are no extra charges for luggage.

The price of pet taxi services is determined on the basis of agreement before the beginning of the journey. The driver shall offer the taxi service to any person requiring transport irrespective of the distance and duration of the journey, except in the case when the customer is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances or the customer or his luggage are dirty to such an extent that they could damage or make dirty the interior of the vehicle or luggage dimensions are so big that it cannot be put into the boot.

Citizens who have complaints about taxi services, may lodge them with the Road and Road Transport Inspectorate in Rijeka, at the address: Senjsko pristanište 5 and with the State Inspectorate in Rijeka, at the address: Osječka 50 or with the Department of Community Wardens that will forward complaints  to the competent inspectorate.

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