Opera Omnia Award:

  • Captain Berislav Vranić
    for exceptional professional achievements and promoting the maritime profession on a global scale

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”

  • Orijana Pernjak Grbac, posthumously
    for long-term contribution to the development and promotion of the reputation and interests of the City of Rijeka in the field of sports
  • Academic Astronomical Society
    for the promotion and development of astronomy in the area of ​​the city of Rijeka and the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
  • associate professor Ph.D. Gianna Mazzieri-Sanković
    for an exceptional contribution to international scientific research and the international promotion and popularization of Rijeka’s literary and linguistic heritage
  • Lions club Rijeka – Korzo
    for exceptional achievements in the field of humanitarian work in the period from 2008 to 2024.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Niko Cvjetković for his special contribution to the construction of a new library and the promotion of librarianship in the City of Rijeka
  • Željko Pendić for his contribution to the cultural and artistic life and urban identity of the city of Rijeka
  • Ervin Pavleković for his exceptional contribution to the promotion of culture and cultural creativity as a whole, and especially for the popularization of film art and film criticism.


Opera Omnia Award:

  • Ljubomir Španjol-Pandelo
    for his exceptional contribution to the development of the city of Rijeka in the field of housing, economy and sports.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”

  • Association Depaul Croatia
    for their significant long-term contribution in the field of social welfare and the promotion of human rights and fundamental values
  • Association Pro Torpedo
    for their exceptional contribution to research, valorisation, promotion and preservation of the industrial heritage of Rijeka and Croatia

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Ivica Nikolac
    for his contribution to the promotion of photographic art, international promotion of Rijeka artists and professional work with children and young people in the field of photography in Rijeka and beyond.
  • Slobodan Čegar
    for his top sporting achievements at the national championship and improving the weightlifting discipline in Rijeka.
  • Sandro Bastiančić
    for his exceptional long-term contribution to the domestic music scene and as the winner of the national award for the singer-songwriter of the year.
  • Luči Vidanović
    for his imaginative and innovative puppetry and scenographic expressions in puppet performances staged by the Rijeka Puppet Theatre.
  • Zoran Žmirić
    for his exceptional artistic and literary qualities that enrich the cultural life of Rijeka and spread the name of the city throughout Europe.
  • Bojana Ćulum Ilić
    for her significant contribution to the development of cooperation between the university and the local community.


Opera Omnia Award:

  •  academician Elso Kuljanić
    for the outstanding contribution to science, higher education, production engineering and development of the University of Rijeka.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”

  • Aleksandra Matić
    for the long-standing contribution to music pedagogy and the promotion of the art of music
  • Rowing club “Jadran”
    for the outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of sport during the 100 years of activity
  • Cultural Artistic Society “Zametski koren”
    for 100 years of successful work in promoting cultural and artistic amateurism
  • Anija Škrobonja
    for her activities in the humanitarian field for many years and her contribution to the culture and education of senior citizens.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Vinicije B. Lupis
    for the outstanding scientific contribution in the field of historical research and for his role in bringing Rijeka and Dubrovnik closer together at the level of culture
  • Edi Jurković
    for his contribution to research related to the recent history of the City of Rijeka
  • Martina Pavletić
    for significant advances and achievements in emergency medicine and the fight against COVID-19
  • Vitomir Maričić
    the sports promoter, multiple world champion and world record holder


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Orlando Rivetti, posthumous award
    for his outstanding contribution over many years to the development of sport, journalism and humanitarian work, as well as to the promotion of the City of Rijeka
  • Archbishop Ivan Devčić
    for his open dialogue with society, education and science, pastoral care, social work and ecumenism which have marked his activity

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Ivo Usmiani,
    for his outstanding contribution to the continuous creation of new values in the pharmaceutical industry and linkage between entrepreneurship, science and culture
  • Association for the Development of Higher Education “Universitas
    for its outstanding contribution during twenty years of public activity in improving higher education,
  • professor Neda Vitezić
    for many years of scientific and professional contribution to the development of the economy of the firm, in particular controlling, as well as to the improvement of the economy of public health
  • Ivan Vukić
    for the improvement in educational work and his exceptional commitment to the education of generations of students in the city of Rijeka
  • “Jeka Primorja“ Rijeka artistic and cultural society
    for 50 years of amateur activity in the musical field and for the conservation of musical heritage
  • Antonio Mozina
    for the outstanding contribution to music and in promoting the reputation of the City of Rijeka.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Velid Đekić
    for his contribution to the knowledge of the cultural heritage of Rijeka and its promotion
  • Damir Čargonja Čarli
    for his exceptional contribution to the preservation of the city’s identity by encouraging the independent scene, art and contemporary culture of Rijeka
  • Slaven Tolj
    for his artistic contribution to Rijeka European Capital of Culture 2020, and in particular for the inaugural ceremony of the event in the port of Rijeka
  • Ana Meštrović
    for her outstanding contribution to computer science research aimed at community welfare
  • Marko Medved
    for the capital edition on Rijeka Augustinians, which completes the identity of the city of Rijeka.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Anton Škrobonja,
    for success in researching the history of medicine, activity with the Red Cros and achievements in creative and rock photography.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Livio Tončinić
    for promotion, long-term work and contribution to the popularization of volleyball.
  • Bruno Paladin,
    for exceptional contribution to fine arts and promotion of the reputation of the city of Rijeka.
  • Croatian Red Cross – City Association of the Red Cross Rijeka,
    for the Field Unit “Dr. Ante Švalba ”which educates generations of young people for humanity.
  • Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat, posthumous award,
    for the innovation of scientific projects and research that added Rijeka to the legal map of Europe.
  • Hajrudin ef Mujkanović,
    for an open dialogue that paved the indelible trace of tolerance and community in the Port of Diversity.
  • Željka Rogić and Boris Rogić,
    for the uniqueness of the artistic design of glass, which emphasizes the Croatian and Rijeka identities of which they also became part.
  • Judo club Rijeka,
    for 60 years of continuous work and contribution to the development of judo in Rijeka

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Dean Lalić,
    for a special contribution to the promotion of Rijeka through a visual postcard and selecting locations for shooting the Novine series.
  • Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka,
    Department of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection,
    for the international recognition of the excellence of the application of physics in medicine achieved at the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka
  • Edi Kučan,
    for exceptional determination in taking responsibility for the future of the Shipyard 3. May.
  • Nikola Petković,
    for contributions and achievements of special importance over the last two years in the field of culture and literature.
  • Bowling club Mlaka,
    for top achievements in bowling and contribution to the sports reputation of the city of Rijeka.
  • Rijeka Puppet Theatre,
    for outstanding artistic achievements and dedication to puppetry and educational work for children
  • Robert Funčić,
    for his outstanding contribution to the art of music in the territory of the city of Rijeka.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Giorgio Surian
    for his exceptional contribution to the Rijeka opera and theatre scene

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Viktor Šahini
    for the promotion of family crafts, the development of quality of the profession and nurturing trust in customer relationships
  • Team of interventional cardiologists at CHC Rijeka: Vjekoslav Tomulić, Tomislav Jakljević, David Gobić, Sandro Brusich, Neven Čače
    for improving interventional cardiology and major professional and scientific advances.
  • Nadja Poropat
    for outstanding contribution in the field of education and the promotion of reputation and interests of the City of Rijeka
  • Nun Daniela Orbanić
    for selfless giving for the dying man and his/her loved ones
  • Voluntary fire brigade Sušak-Rijeka
    for many years of work in fire protection and contribution to the development of firefighting.
  • Bruno Petrali
    for his long-term contribution to music and theatre, sports and journalism in the city of Rijeka
  • CFC Orient 1919
    for many years of significant work and contribution to the development of the city of Rijeka
  • Jasna Baraba
    for exceptional contribution to the procurement of modern teaching aids for Fran Franković Elementary School

Annual awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Bojan Polić,
    for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of immunology and contribution to the international recognisability of the University of Rijeka
  • Jasna Buketa
    for humanitarian work at the Hospice Marija Krucifiksa Kozulić and for the authorship and editing of the book “Odlasci” created on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the institution
  • Aleksandar Tomulić
    for outstanding results and outstanding contribution to the promotion of Rijeka photography in the world
  • Željko Bistrović
    for exceptional results in the management of conservation works in Rijeka’s sacral buildings
  • CNT Ivana Zajc, Opera Ensemble
    for a unique opera project, the trilogy Verdi-Shakespeare-Surian


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Zdenko Botić
    for his lifelong contribution to theatrical art in the city of Rijek

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Klub navijača Armada Rijeka
    za 30 godina bezuvjetne ljubavi voljenom gradu
  • Hrvatska udruga za informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju,
    Elektroniku i mikroelektroniku – MIPRO
    za 40-godišnji doprinos u području informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija
    organiziranjem međunarodnih znanstveno-stručnih skupova
  • Nenad Labus
    za trajni doprinos na istraživanju i očuvanju kulturnog nasljeđa Rijeke i Sušaka
  • Hideyo Ashigaki
    za uspostavu bliske suradnje te dubokog ljudskog prijateljstva između gradova Kawasakija i Rijeke
  • Darko Jurković
    za iznimne umjetničke kvalitete gitariste i skladatelja, koji obogaćuje kulturni život Rijeke i pronosi ime grada diljem svijeta
  • Zaklada Sveučilišta u Rijeci
    za dugogodišnje promicanje filantropije, doprinos razvoju riječke sveučilišne zajednice te potporu lokalnoj zajednici stvaranjem društva znanja
  • Davor Tolja
    za 40 godina umjetničkog rada i promicanje ugleda grada Rijeke
  • Paolo Palminteri
    za uspješno promicanje gospodarske suradnje između riječkih i talijanskih gospodarstvenika
  • Suzana Samardžić
    za izniman uspjeh u 25 godina vođenja Caritasova doma sv. Ana

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Jasminka Ledić
    for her contribution to the advancement of higher education and promotion of European dimensions in education
  • Zlatko Vicić
    for an impressive interpretation of Wanda’s sheep in Wanda’s play LaVanda


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Stipan Jonjić
    for his great scientific achievements in immunology and virology, as well as the training of scientific staff and enhancing the recognisability of the University of Rijeka.
  • Serafin Sabol, posthumous award
    for his commitment to the restoration of the Trsat sanctuary, as a true focus of faith and life of Rijeka

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Neno Belan & Fiumens
    on the occasion of 20th anniversary of successful work and for promoting the reputation of the city of Rijeka
  • Antica Duletić-Načinović, MD
    due to the merits for the development of haematology as a profession and science at the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka and at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka.
  • 203rd Artillery Missile Brigade of the Croatian Army
    for outstanding contribution to the defense of Rijeka and the Republic of Croatia during the Homeland War.
  • Zlatko Tomašić, posthumous award
    for overall life achievement on advancing science, health and all forms of social life.
  • Rijeka Natural History Museum
    for many years of significant contribution to the development of natural sciences, museum profession and cultural identity of Rijeka
  • Centre of Technical Culture Rijeka
    for a long – standing contribution to strengthening the local community for acceptance of new technologies in everyday life.
  • Sandro Vrancich
    for many years of significant work in cycling and contribution to the sporting reputation of the city of Rijeka.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Borislav Božić
    for an exceptional and recognizable contribution to the artistic and pedagogical development of the city and promoting awareness of the importance of culture for the identity of Rijeka.
  • Nana Palinić,
    for outstanding contribution to the research of the history of Croatian and Rijeka architecture and a comprehensive study of Rijeka Theatre architecture.
  • Mensur Puhovac and Olja Dešić
    for the Chakavian musical Sušak, Sušak.
    Association of Rijeka rockers of the sixties
    for its contribution to the spread of music culture and its impact on improving the quality of life of Rijeka citizens.
  • Boris Roce
    for exceptional contribution and promotion of Rijeka culture through the medium of ceramics and for the presentation of Croatian art in China.
  • Sara Kolak
    for outstanding results and contribution to the sporting reputation of the city of Rijeka.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Ante Simonic,
    for outstanding contribution in the fields of science, education, medicine, culture, sports and diplomacy.
  • Nikola Kraljić, posthumous award,
    for exceptional achievements in contemporary Croatian poetry linguistically anchored in the Chakavian language, to which modernity he made an invaluable contribution

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, Paediatrics Clinic
    for outstanding contribution to the improvement of the health of children and adolescents.
  • Pero Lučin,
    for many years of work and his contribution in the field of high education and science and the promotion of the quality of the University of Rijeka.
  • Ljubinka Toševa Karpowicz,
    for her overall contribution to the research of the history of the city of Rijeka and the promotion of its reputation in the world.
  • Renata Gržić,
    for significant achievements and development of dental medicine and improvement of dental health in Rijeka.
  • Nikola Kurti
    for photographic and artisan contribution to the development and promotion of Rijeka through religious life, tourism, sports and education.
  • Community of Technical Culture Rijeka,
    for the systematic development and encouragement of technical creativity among young people and Rijeka citizens.
  • Anton Škrobonja,
    for the promotion of the Rijeka Carnival, the city of Rijeka and Croatia in the country and abroad.
  • Amleto Vittorio Ballarini,
    for many years of efforts aimed at promoting dialogue and the reputation of the city of Rijeka

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Rijeka University Library,
    for exceptional contribution to the development of Rijeka and Croatian university librarianship.
  • Association Bura Znanja,
    for the STEMI project, as an innovative model of youth learning and popularisation of science and technology.
  • Daniela Malnar, MD,
    for her contribution to the affirmation of Rijeka as a leader in the education of health personnel in the Republic of Croatia.
  • Julija Lozzi Barkovic,
    for her contribution to research into the interwar architecture of Rijeka as a legacy of lasting values at a high European level.
  • Bruno Loncaric,
    for numerous projects and editing articles and books that testify to and promote the identity of the city of Rijeka.
  • Bowling club “Mlaka”,
    for outstanding achievements in the field of sports and contribution to the sports reputation of the city of Rijeka.
  • Gordana Nikolić,
    for outstanding contribution in the field of high education and entrepreneurship, by establishing and launching the first private high education institution.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Bože Mimica,
    for his exceptional contribution to the culture, history and numismatics of the city of Rijeka and Croatia.
  • Darko Gašparović, for his exceptional contribution to the overall cultural, artistic and scientific development of the city of Rijeka.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Zeljko Bartulovic,
    for his long-term contribution to scientific research and the promotion of the past of the city of Rijeka and western Croatia, as well as lawyers’ education.
  • Independent trade union of the employees of the Port of Rijeka,
    for many years of union work and contribution to the promotion and protection of the rights of port workers in Rijeka.
  • Nikola Ivaniš,
    for his personal contribution to the development of health care and raising the reputation of the city of Rijeka by developing the Ivaniš Polyclinic as a recognised top medical centre in Croatia.
  • Club of inhabitants of Sušak,
    for many years of publishing the magazine “Sušačka revija” and contribution to the cultural development and overall well-being of the social community of the city of Rijeka.
  • William Klinger
    for his exceptional contribution to research into the history of Rijeka, his international contextualisation and contribution to international historiography.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Jonathan Lerga,
    for his scientific contribution and achievements in the field of digital signal processing and the award of the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences.
  • Vladimir Mozetič,
    for exceptional contribution to the development and profiling of health care as a potential for economic development of our region.
  • Damir Miskovic,
    for promoting and contributing to the popularization of football.
  • Predrag Sloboda
    for top sports achievements in water polo and an exceptional contribution to the sports reputation of the city of Rijeka.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Bonaventura Duda,
    for his exceptional contribution to international and Croatian science, culture and education
  • Max Pec,
    for his immeasurable personal contribution to the development of the city of Rijeka in the field of construction, utility and social activities.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Sven Maričić,
    for his exceptional and recognizable contribution to the development, advancement and popularization of science
  • Leo Brnic,
    for top sports achievements at the European Senior Bowling Championships and at the Mediterranean Games in 2013

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Association for the Development of Civil Society SMART,
    for exceptional contribution and support to the development of civil society and volunteering in the city of Rijeka
  • Bruno Murzi,
    for his outstanding contribution to the improvement of the quality of care for children with congenital heart defects
  • Bojana Brajenović-Milić,
    for 25 years of leading and improving the work of the cytogenetic laboratory of the Medical Faculty in Rijeka for the needs of prenatal and postnatal diagnostics
  • Miranda Djakovic,
    for overall musical performance and achievements, especially in artistic direction and work with the Putokazi choir
  • Almira Stifanic,
    for exceptional contribution to the meaning and popularization of puppetry.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Viktor Bušljeta,
    for his exceptional contribution to the musical life of Rijeka

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Velid Đekić,
    for his contribution to the knowledge of the city’s cultural heritage and for promoting awareness of its importance for the city’s identity,
  • Nikola Petković,
    for the exceptional contribution to the cultural and literary life of the city of Rijeka,
  • Ivica Nikolac,
    for HIS exceptional contribution to the improvement of technical culture, the successes in working with young people, and the international promotion of Croatian photography,
  • Vera Vlahović-Palčevski;
    for her exceptional personal contribution to the use of medicines and to the promotion of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka
  • Association of women who operated breast cancer “Nada”,
    for its exceptional contribution in the field of health and for the assistance to women who operated breast cancer and for their humanitarian activity,
  • Professional association for the promotion of child well-being “Portić”,
    for the project “The Narrator of Bedtime Stories” at the Cantrida paediatric hospital, for the support given to children and for the mitigation of negative consequences of hospitalization ,
  • Jelena Kovačević,
    for excellent sports achievements at the European championship and the world senior karate championship in 2012,
  • Sanja Jovanović,
    for her sports achievements and contribution to the development and popularization of swimming,
  • Players of the water polo club Primorje-Erste banka;
    Samir Barać, Ivan Buljubašić, Petar Muslim, Paulo Obradović, Sandro Sukno, Frano Vićan for exceptional contribution to the sports reputation of the city of Rijeka,
  • Esma Halepović-Đečević,
    for exceptional contribution to social life in promoting friendship between Croatia and Turkey and cultural cooperation,
  • Edita Stilin,
    for exceptional achievements in the field of education and instruction and the promotion of human, humanitarian and voluntary initiatives,
  • Public Fire Brigade of the City of Rijeka,
    for their exceptional contribution to the protection of citizens and heritage, consequences of storms and natural disasters,
  • Darko Rončević,. for his commitment to ensuring assistance to the needy, altruistic social work and volunteering.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Bowling club Vargon,
    for 60 years of activity, for the development of the bowls and the promotion of the reputation of the city of Rijeka,
  • Denis Bonetta,
    for exceptional contribution in promoting the reputation of naval officer education of our region in the Republic of Croatia and all over the world
  • Dinko Tamarut,
    for exceptional contribution in fostering and strengthening of the anti-fascist tradition and the heritage of the anti-fascist struggle and anti-fascism
  • Francesco Squarcia,
    for his exceptional contribution in the affirmation of Croatian composers and musicians in the world and the presentation of Kvarner climate through music,
  • Nevenka Čop,
    for altruistic commitment and a notable donation to the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center,
  • Marin Glavočić,
    for exceptional contribution to the development of swimming in Rijeka and for excellent results obtained by Rijeka swimmers,
  • Oldtimer klub Rijeka,
    for the promotion of technical culture, by collecting maintaining, renewing and presenting old timer cars and education of young people


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Franjo Emanuel Hoško,
    for his scientific work and exceptional contribution to the promotion of Trsat’s sacred heritage and personal testimony of a culture of dialogue,
  • Academician Daniel Rukavina,
    professor emeritus for his overall contribution to the development of the University and the construction of the Campus, to scientific achievements and creation of the internationally recognized scientific school.

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Nevenka Ožanić,
    for her significant contribution to the improvement of science and scientific infrastructure,
  • Dražen Mikulić,
    for his entire theatrical activity in 2010 and 2011 and particularly for the best character interpretation of Gonsuke in the show “Život lude/Life of a fool”
  • Mladen Urem,
    for his exceptional contribution to the presentation of Croatian literature and Janko Polić Kamov and the affirmation of the publishing activity in Rijeka,
  • Svetozar Nilović,
    for exceptional achievements in the organisation and artistic guide of the Peek & Poke museum programme,
  • Željka Crnčević Orlić,
    for his exceptional professional and scientific contribution to the improvement and promotion of medicinal science, particularly endocrinology and the treatment of diabetes,
  • Jelena Roganović,
    for the application of the holistic approach in treating children and for the integration of science, culture, health and the non-profit sector for the benefit of the community,
  • Oleg Petrović,
    for the exceptional and recognizable contribution to the development of the obstetric clinic in Rijeka and the promotion of the identity and quality of the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka.
  • Shooting club “Lokomotiva”,
    for results obtained at national and international competitions and for the thirty years of successful activity,
  • Radovan Šoljaga,
    for his overall contribution to the improvement of education and to the promotion and development of sports culture in the City of Rijeka

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Zvonimir Brozić,
    for his exceptional contribution to the development of sports for disabled people in the city of Rijeka,
  • Rijeka Institute of Geodesy,
    for 60 years of successful operation and for promoting the geodetic profession serving to the development of the city of Rijeka and the Republic of Croatia,
  • Milan Blažević,
    for his visionary and pioneering enterprise in the development of private healthcare,
  • Vladimir Bruketa,
    for his great contribution to safeguarding and promoting the cultural and historical identity of the city of Rijeka,
  • Rock band Uragani,,
    for their exceptional contribution to the development of pop music, which helped strengthen the contemporary and urban facet of Rijeka
  • Mario Schiavato,
    for his contribution to Italian literature and the Rijeka dialect, but also popularising mountaineering.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Academician Petar Strčić,
    for the entire contribution to the improvement and promotion of science and historical research of the City of Rijeka and western Croatia

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Saša Ostojić,
    for his exceptional contribution to knowledge, promotion, popularisation and improvement of biomedicine sciences,
  • Bruno Grbac,
    for his scientific achievements and contribution to the affirmation of Rijeka as a university city with significant research results in economic sciences, in the field of marketing,
  • Pavao Komadina,
    for his contribution to naval science, education and the development of naval economy,
  • Davor Štimac,
    for his exceptional scientific and professional contribution to the development of Rijeka gastroenterology
  • Damir Orlić,
    for exceptional theatrical creations in performances realised by the Croatian National Theatre “Ivan Zajc”,
  • Zoran Žmirić,
    for his creative work and special achievements in the field of culture during 2010
  • Rajka Jurdana Šepić,
    for fostering the Chakavian dialect and her exceptional contribution to the protection and promotion of the Chakavian and the popularisation of science,
  • Samir Barać,
    for his entire contribution to the promotion of water polo and the city of Rijeka during his long and successful career as a player,
  • Tonči Grabušić,
    for artistically inspired and excellent promotion of old crafts and craftsmanship from ths artisanal point of view and for the promotion of the Rijeka souvenir.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Macedonian cultural society “Ilinden”,
    on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the continuous and successful presentation of Macedonian culture and tradition and for the development of cooperation between the two friendly nations,
  • Sušak Dorm,
    for exceptional achievements in education and for the improvement of conditions and quality of work in dormitories,
  • Vladimir Gašparović – Gašo,
    for exceptional musical achievements, particularly for the organisation and artistic guide of the “Jazz time” festival,
  • Mountaineering Society Kamenjak,
    for its contribution to mountaineering in Rijeka over the past 50 years,
  • Željko Miljanić,
    for his personal contribution to the successful business operation of the “Rident” Polyclinic, to the employment and development of highly professional entrepreneurship,
  • Faculty of Engineering, of the University of Rijeka
    for half a century of successful activity in the field of technical sciences, for creative development of scientific thought and numerous achievements in the field of shipbuilding, machine building, and electrical engineering in the city which inherits technical development and progress.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Vjekoslav Vojo Radoičić,
    for exceptional achievements in the field of figurative and applied art, where he presented the cheerful and joyful world of daily life in Kvarner

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Andrei Köteles,
    for his exceptional dance creations in performances given by the Ballet ensemble of the CNT “Ivan Zajc” in Rijeka,
  • Marina Šantić,
    for her outstanding contribution to the development of biomedical sciences.
  • Danijela Bačić-Karković,
    for her piece “Rijeka u priči”, the first systematic layered panorama of the city’s identity through the literary imagery,
  • Jerry Pajić,
    for his exceptional contribution to the development of the economy, environmental protection and exports,
  • Fred Zeidler,
    for his exceptional contribution to improving emergency medicine in Rijeka both in and out-of-hospital,
  • Tomislav Rukavina,
    for his exceptional contribution to promoting the medical profession and education,
  • Zrinka Kolak-Fabijan, actress
    for her artistic and organisational successes and for promoting the city of Rijeka in the segment of theatre art
  • Darija Bostjančić, Iris Bostjančić, Vedrana Simičević,
    for conquesting the highest peak in the world – Mt. Everest

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Miljenko Mišljenović, for the promotion of equal opportunities for people with cerebral palsy in all segments of society based on inclusion and self-representation,
  • Fulvio Rustico, for his exceptional contribution to the development and promotion of the reputation and interests of the City of Fiume in relations with the Italian Republic,za
  • Autotrans for Tourist agency, za polustoljetni kontinuirani razvoj turističke djelatnosti i valorizaciju turističke destinacije Hrvatske. for continuous half-century long development of the tourist activity and the valorisation of Croatia as a tourist destination,
  • Rijeka Puppet Theatre, for exceptional achievements in puppetry, for child dedication and support while conquering new and magical worlds.


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Galijano Pahor, (posthumous award),
    for his entire artistic opus that will remain forever imprinted in the cultural essence of the city of Rijeka.
  • Ivan Šegota,
    for his scientific and educational activity in the field of bioethics and especially in a new discipline of clinical bioethics.

 Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Marinko Lazzarich,
    for the affirmation of contemporary Croatian literature, and particular contribution to Rijeka sports history research,
  • Miroslav Grgas,
    for his publicly demonstrated and permanent contribution to the development and improvement of technical culture in the city of Rijeka,
  • Goran Brašnić,
    for his contribution to the development of the productive economy and export growth,
  • Goran Filipec,
    for exceptional achievements in concert and piano activities
  • Katherina Trinajstić,
    for her exceptional contribution in the field of health and social security and for the development of humanitarian activities of the city of Rijeka,
  • Božena Delaš,
    for the exceptional artistic achievements in puppetry and for her contribution to schooling, as author of the book ” Lutka u nastavi”,
  • Staša Zurovac,
    for exceptional artistic achievements and exceptional contribution to strong blooming of the Ballet ensemble of the Croatian National Theatre Ivan Zajc.
  • Snježana Pejčić,
    for exceptional sports achievements in shooting,
  • Ema Aničić,
    for exceptional sports achievements in karate.

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Rijeka philatelic society,
    on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of activity and successes in philately and for the promotion of the city of Rijeka,
  • AGAPE charitable and prayer community of the First Croatian Grammar School in Rijeka,
    for ten years of activity in the field of humanity, spirituality and culture and for the promotion of solidarity, understanding, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue,
  • Association of the Blind of the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County,
    owing to great commitment and activity, the Association contributes to the affirmation and equality of blind people in society,
  • Rudolf Zambelli,
    for his exceptional contribution to the economy – to craftsmanship in the field of printing and publishing,
  • The first majorettes of Rijeka, Ronde & Klub dance association,
    for their exceptional long-term contribution to work with young people and for promoting the reputation of the city of Rijeka in the country and abroad,
  • Grand hotel Bonavia,
    for exceptional contribution to the improvement and promotion of the hotel and gastronomy industry of Rijeka over 133 years of their continuous activity


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Giacomo Scotti,
    za izniman doprinos na području književnosti i prevoditeljstva u promicanju i jačanju kulturne suradnje između hrvatskog i talijanskog naroda for his exceptional contribution to literature and translation, promotion and strengthening of cooperation between the Croatian and Italian nations,
  • Nenad Šegvić,
    Rijeke for his exceptionallife-long contribution to theatrical art in the cultural identity of the city of Rijeka

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Educational Public Health Institute of the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County,
    for the magazine “Narodni zdravstveni list”, published for 50 years without interruption which promotes a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention,
  • A cappella vocal ensemble “Nevera”,
    for 20 years of specific approach to the interpretation of the a cappella vocal song and our domestic “ČA”
  • The association of anti-fascist fighters and anti-fascists of the city of Rijeka,
    for the development of anti-fascist traditions and for confronting slights about achievements of the People’s liberation war and its participants and for establishing truth about victims,
  • Sports association “Primorje 08”,
    for exceptional contribution to sports in Rijeka over 100 years of activity
  • Representatives of the friendly city of Neuss: Peter Söhngen, Rev. Jochen Koenig, Karl-Josef Uhe and Peter Gronsfeld,
    for their tireless commitment to deepening friendly relationships between Neuss and Rijeka in all areas of the city’s functioning and for the enormous concrete assistance they provided to Rijeka and Croatia during the Homeland War.

 Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Mani Gotovac,
    for the outstanding achievements in the organization and artistic direction of the Rijeka Summer Nights in 2006 and 2007,
  • Elvio Baccarini,
    for the affirmation of scientific thought in ethics,
  • Nives Jonjić,
    Rijeka for merits in the development of pathology as a profession and science at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka and the Clinical – Hospital Centre Rijeka,
  • Snježana Prijić-Samaržija,
    for exceptional contribution to the development of high education institutions in Rijeka,
  • Milvana Arko-Pijevac,
    for promoting and raising the museum activity standards, promoting natural sciences and protecting nature,
  • Cathedral choir “Cantores Sancti Viti”,
    for 50 years of systematic work in the promotion of sacral singing in the Croatian language at the St. Vitus’ cathedral in Rijeka,
  • Female volleyball club  “Rijeka” Kvarner VIG,
    for excellent sports results over the last two years and for the best female volleyball team in Croatia


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Nedjeljko Fabrio,
    for exceptional contribution to the development and promotion of the reputation and interests of the City in the field of cultural life and especially in literature and theatrical art

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Mišo Cvijanović,
    for his book “Đir po Korzu” and 40-year long journalistic activity in Rijeka,
  • Ervin Dubrović,
    for concept, authorship and organisation of a large project, exhibition and trilogy monograph “Adamićevo doba 1780-1830”,
  • Marco Graziani,
    18-year old violinist for the excellent concerts, artistic success and competition results in Croatia and abroad,
  • Alen Liverić,
    for the role of W.A.Mozart in P. Shaffer’s show “Amadeus”,
  • Rock group LET 3,
    for exceptional achievements on the Rijeka and national alternative scene on the occasion of twenty years of activity,
  • Transplant team of the CHC, led by professor Miljenko Uraviće,
    for successful first liver transplant in Rijeka
  • “Zlatni rez” association,
    for exceptional contribution to the popularisation of science owing to successful organisation of the Science Festival in Rijeka

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Loredana Gašparović,
    for exceptional contribution to the social and cultural life of the city of Rijeka in the field of theatre marketing from 1971 to 2006,
  • Radojka Šverko,
    for excellent musical achievements over the four decades of her successful artistic career,
  • The cancer league of the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County,
    for four decades of successful and efficient assistance provided to healthcare institutions and education of citizens and support given to cancer patients,
  • Lions club Rijeka,
    for exceptional contribution and generous engagement in numerous humanitarian activities in Croatia and abroad


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Blanka Zec
    for exceptional mezzo-soprano and alto interpretations in opera, concerts and sacral realisations in the classical musical culture of the city of Rijeka

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Olivera Baljak,
    for best achievements in acting in plays “Jalta, Jalta”, “Galeb” and “Mirisi, zlato i tamjan” in 2005.
  • Darko Gašparović,
    for his exceptional contribution to scientific and literary processing of the opus of Janko Polić Kamov
  • Anita Klapan,
    for contribution of science in the development of the theory and practice of adult education in the concept of lifelong learning
  • Ljubica Kolarić Dumić,
    for exceptional contribution to children’s literature and poetic word for children
  • Irvin Lukežić,
    for exceptional contribution to the study and continuous reading of the mosaics of the history of Rijeka
  • Biserka Perman,
    for outstanding sports achievements, improvement and promotion of bowling
  • Authors’ team Urban Develpment (Goran Paulin, Sanjin Celeski, Aleksandar Ribarić, Radan Škorić, Damir Tabulov –Strelov, Edi Kraljić, Lovro Žmak),
    for contribution to the development of information and traffic education of young people, and the promotion of the reputation of the City of Rijeka

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”: 

  • Car club Rijeka,
    for exceptional contribution in the field of accidents prevention, car and motorcycling sports and, and promotion of reputation and interests of the City of Rijeka,
  • Organisation “Deutsche Hilfe für kinder in Kroatien”,
    for unselfish and long humanitarian aid and donations (dr. Ivo Mance)
  • Editorial Centre Rijeka,
    for an exceptional editorial policy whereby promoting the reputation of Rijeka and preserving part of regional literary and newspaper patrimony
  • The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka,
    for successful 5-year existence and activity in the field of biomedicine and health,
  • Niko Tunjić,
    contribution to the creation of a school – community and education of young people in the Catholic tradition


 Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Antun Haller,
    for an exceptional and rich artistic life opus in the field of painting,
  • Anton Giron,
    za dugogodišnji doprinos povijesnoj znanosti, a osobito istraživanju povijesti Grada Rijeke i Primorsko-goranske županije for his long-lasting contribution to the historical science, and in particular the historical research of the city of Rijeka and the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Bojan Šober,
    for excellent interpretations of roles in Rossini’s operas The Barber of Seville and The Turk in Italy in Rijeka and Coimbra in 2004,
  • Alan Šustić,
    for significant improvements and achievements in the field of anesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive care,
  • Duje Draganja,
    for excellent sports achievements and his contribution to the popularisation of swimming,
  • Josip Butković,
    for his pedagogical and artistic work and achievements in the field of artistic graphics during 2003 and 2004,
  • Male a cappella vocal group Fortunal,
    za desetljeće uspješne popularizacije i očuvanja klapske pjesme for a decade of popularisation and preservation of a cappella vocal songs,
  • SCS “Prosvjeta” Zagreb – Rijeka branch,
    povodom 10. godišnjice izdavanja dječjeg lista “Bijela pčela”, njegovanja svijesti o kulturnom nasljeđu i kreativnih vrijednosti djece on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of publishing of the children’s newspaper “Bijela pčela”, fostering awareness of the cultural heritage and children’s creative values,
  • Jadrolinija, Rijeka,
    the exceptional contribution to the development and promotion of the reputation of the City of Rijeka in economic and social life

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Đurđa Matić Glažar,
    for her long and prominent medical activity aimed at improving treatment of people with kidney failure,
  • Zoran Roje,
    za sveukupni doprinos razvoju i vrhunskim dostignućima vaterpolo sporta
  • Klapa Nokturno,
    za tri desetljeća prepoznatljivog klapskog zvuka i očuvanja pučkih napjeva primorskog kraja
  • Police Administration of the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County,
    for constantly lifting the security level for people and property
  • “3. maj” Shipyard,
    on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment and for exceptional achievements in the development of naval, technical and technological activities,
  • Croatian Radio – Radio Rijeka,
    on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of presence in Rijeka and successful radio broadcasting of informative, entertaining, documentary and sports programmes,
  • Rijeka pensioners’ association
    for long-term successful work on the promotion of pensioners’ rights and improving the quality of their life


 Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Mirko Radić,
    for fundamental contribution to the development and teaching of mathematics, training of scientific staff and the development of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Faninka Husak,
    for preserving and promoting the cultural values of the Czech minority and the strengthening of friendly relationships between the Czech and Croatian nations,
  • Blanka Kesić,
    for the book “Ekonomika luka”
  • Vladimir Medica,
    for creative work and achievements in the field of technical sciences during 2002 and 2003,
  • Anđelka Rušin,
    for her artistic creation playing the roles of Mamma Lucia in “Cavalleria Rusticana” and Mrs. Quicklynel in “Falstaff”,
  • Robert Vianello,
    for his creative work and achievements in the field of chemistry during 2002 and 2003

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Croatian musical union Rijeka,
    for persistently promoting the professional values and musical creativity of the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County and the city of Rijeka,
  • Msgr. Dinko Popović,
    povodom 40. obljetnice svećeničkog poziva i promicanja ekumenizma i međureligijskog dijaloga, povjerenja i tolerancijeon the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the priestly vocation and the promotion of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, trust and tolerance


Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Nikola Stražičić,
    za utemeljenje pomorske geografije i doprinos afirmaciji Pomorskog fakulteta i Rijeke u zemlji i inozemstvu for the establishment of maritime geography and contribution to the affirmation of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Rijeka in the country and abroad

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Aleksandra Pejčić,
    for her contribution to the development and promotion of kinesiology and sports
  • Marko Strahija,
    for outstanding sports achievements and contribution to the popularisation of swimming
  • Mountain Rescue Service Rijeka,
    for their courage shown while saving human lives and material goods
  • Verena Tibljaš,
    for her contribution to the development of the culture of children and youth and the popularization of librarianship
  • Metis, Rijeka,
    for the results achieved in environmental protection, collection and processing of secondary raw materials
  • Nina Kovačić,
    for a special contribution to the development of musical culture of the City of Rijeka
  • Zdenko Botić,
    for exceptional acting achievements – Colonel Niko in “Aquatorium” and Porphyry in “Crime and Punishment”

Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Željko Kosanović,
    for 50 years long sports activity in the development of Rijeka sports
  • Msgr. Ivoslav Linić,
    for his efforts to preserve church and cultural heritage and for the promotion of the Cathedral of St. Vitus’ and the City of Rijeka
  • Slovenian Home KPD “Bazovica”,
    for 55 years of development and nurturing of cultural amateurism in Rijeka
  • Public Fire Brigade of the City of Rijeka,
    for their exceptional contribution to the development of fire protection


 Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Nikola Korin,
    for his entire contribution to the improvement of medical science

 Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Ante Simonić,
    for his exceptional contribution to knowledge, improvement and popularisation of science by publishing a scientific trilogy
  • Medical team: Duje Vukas , Karlo Stanić, Darko Ćuruvija,
    for successful activity in the field of cardiac electrostimulation
  • Franjo Butorac,
    for the promotion and contribution to the development of publishing in Rijeka
  • Željko Kesovija,
    for success in sports journalism and the popularisation of amateur sports
  • Bowling club “Rijeka-Kvarner Wiener städtische Osiguranje”,
    for achieved sports results in 2000 and 2001
  • Nada Matošević,
    for artistic achievements and contribution to the development of opera and concert activities in Rijeka
  • Slavko Grčko,
    for recognizable and author’s unique achievements in the field of contemporary and experimental painting and art graphics, geometric, organic and figurative motifs

 Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • CAA “Zametski koren”,
    for merits in the promotion of cultural amateurism
  • Rijeka Historical Society,
    Primorja for exceptional scientific contribution to the study of the history of Rijeka, Istria and the Croatian Littoral
  • Music school “Ivana Matetića Ronjgova”,
    for achievements in music, education of music artists and development of musical  culture


 Opera Omnia Award of the City of Rijeka:

  • Dorian Sokolić,
    for impressive contribution in the field of music and stage activity

Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka:

  • Tibor Pogany,
    for a monograph chapter at Oxford University Press; articles and communications from sampling theory and generalised polygons
  • Marcel Kovačić,
    for scientific achievements in systematics and museology
  • Anton Škrobonja, for professional and scientific contribution to medical history research of the City of Rijeka
  • Zvonimir Kamenar,
    for artistic work and achievements in 1999 and 2000
  • Tomislav Karlo,
    for personal top achievements and promoting the value of swimming in Rijeka
  • Italian Drama of the CBT Ivan Zajc,
    for his exceptional contribution to theatrical and cultural cooperation and the permeation of the Croatian and Italian nations
  • Rijeka Civic Library,
    for the promotion and innovation of public librarianship

 Golden Plaque “The Coat of Arms of the City of Rijeka”:

  • Foundation “Ileana”, Este, Italija,
    for its contribution in cooperation between Este and Rijeka, development of coexistence and multiculturalism
  • Society of Mathematicians and Physicists Rijeka,
    for continuous participation in shaping teachers and scientists in the fields of mathematics and physics
  • Zoran Juranić,
    for special contribution to the revival of the heritage of Ivan Zajc
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