After having classified the received proposals in line with competence for carrying out interventions (Common municipal activities division, Rijeka promet, Energo), and proposals that cannot be realised from resources dedicated to priorities), the person responsible for coordination, in addition to Rijeka promet and Energo, forwards the proposals to professional associates for construction and horticulture within the Common municipal activities division, i.e. to traffic engineers or other associates depending on the type of the request or proposal. Thereafter, proposals are processed, and processing includes the following steps:
- Confirming, in principle, the possibility to carry out the proposed intervention and confirming competence for the intervention
- On site investigation
- Determining the scope
- Need to preform the intervention in several phases (in two three years)
- Collecting ownership data, i.e. obligation to check ownership
- Insight into urban planning documentation on the occasion of every new intervention
- Determining the purpose in accordance with zoning plans and contacts with the City Department of Development, Urban Planning, Ecology and Land Management, as necessary
- Determining, in principle, a technical solution
- When necessary, contacting the local board secretary or a member of the local board council or another person recommended to him/her (citizen who has submitted the proposal)
- defining the exact name of the intervention and eventually necessary technical preparations
- Depending on the size and the complexity of the intervention, determining the need to obtain building and project documentation etc.
- Registering present usurpations in order to engage municipal wardens immediately or subsequently
- Estimating the intervention value, taking into account the entire intervention, on the basis of average prices agreed for the current year
- Correction – determining the title of a budget item
- Detailed explanation of the reason why it is not possible to realise a single intervention
The processing of the received proposals lasts from the beginning of May to mid November (more than 6 months), when all the processed requests are submitted to the local board councils for adoption, namely they select and determine the realisation sequence of the interventions that they intend to include in the funds distribution plan intended for municipal priorities.
Charts showing processed proposed priorities – tables showing all proposals mentioned in the same sequence as stated by the local board (every item is accompanied by an estimated amount of funds necessary for realisation or a reason why the proposal cannot be included in the Plan, as well as the service or department that is competent for its realisation, and the person who has processed this proposal.
On the basis of the processed priorities and obtained information, the local board councils establish priority lists at their meetings (November, beginning of December), and in a statement given in writing they confirm the sequence in which priorities will be realised (they either adhere to the previous list or change its sequence). This phase is followed by the phase of agreement and harmonisation between the intervention and the funds approved to each local board.
The Utility Services Department draws up the Funds Distribution Plan for municipal priorities in the territory of each local board, which is adopted by the City Council for every calendar year. If the local board council proposes works which value is below the respective amount allocated to the local board, the fund difference is directed towards the maintenance of buildings and municipal infrastructure mechanisms in the territory of the City of Rijeka as proposed by the Utility Service Department.
More information is available under the section Construction and maintenance of municipal infrastructure