The activity programme and financial plan are documents adopted by the local board council in order to solve problems that citizens living in the territory of the local board experience and are to be addressed in the next budget period. The programme contains amounts and forms of necessary financial, material and / or professional support from competent city administration departments for realising certain parts of the activity programme.

The programme is adopted based on the methodological indications provided by city administration departments in the field of

  • small municipal interventions – municipal priorities (until May 15 of the current year for the following year)
  • programme activities in the field of health and social welfare, culture, sports and technical culture, childcare, sustainable development, ecology according to the deadlines set by the Administrative department for the activities of the Mayor, the City Council and local self-government (September-November)

Small municipal interventions

The council’s activity programme proposals are prepared based on recommendations given by the Administrative department for the activities of the Mayor, the City Council and local self-government. The programmes are realised in co-operation with city administration departments, companies and utility companies, natural and legal persons (schools, kindergartens, associations, institutions, sports clubs) and volunteers.

The financial basis for programme realisation are funds in the budget of the City of Rijeka, donations and sponsorships of natural persons and legal entities.

General objectives:

  • devising and implementing activities, projects and programmes of the local board councils based on the current needs and citizens’ problems
  • increase participation of citizens and volunteers in the preparation and implementation of the activities and programmes of the local board councils
  • encourage cooperation between the local board councils and other organisations in the implementation of the activities and programmes of the local board councils
  • encourage donors’ participation in the preparation and implementation of the activities and programmes of the local board councils
  • increase the level of citizen information about the activities and work of the local board councils
  • promote and affirm the work of the local board councils and local self-government of the City of Rijeka

Specific objectives of the programme

In addition to the general objectives to be achieved by implementing the programmes of the local board councils, each programme field has from one to three particular objectives, specific to the respective programme field. All proposed programmes should contribute to the achievement of the mentioned objectives and form the basis for evaluating the quality of the proposed programmes and allocating financial resources for their implementation.

  • increase the quality of life of Rijeka citizens owing to a more beautiful environment, cleaning and refurbishment of polluted and neglected public urban areas and illegal landfills
  • raising environmental awareness of citizens
  • Encourage citizens to make use of open space, by home gardening of courtyards, balconies and windows of residential buildings, educational and other institutions and organisations in order to increase the quality of life of Rijeka citizens and beautify the environment
  • Encourage citizens to engage in sport and recreation and participate in sports and recreational activities organised by the local board council
  • planning interesting and quality cultural and artistic activities and programmes in the territory of the local board
  • encourage citizens to participate in the activities and cultural and artistic programmes in the territory of the local board
  • cultivate and preserve the identity and cultural heritage of the city of Rijeka
  • increase the quality of life of Rijeka citizens and provide support for community development and integration (for programmes dedicated to children, carnival activities, celebrating anniversaries, celebrating the day of the city or the day of the local board and other activities and programmes that do not fall into a specific programme field)
  • increase the level of citizen information about the activities of the local board councils and other organisations operating in the territory (for newsletter activities)

The programmes are evaluated by the Commission, which is led by the following criteria when evaluating applications:

  • programme proposals should be based on real needs of citizens and the community
  • number of beneficiaries (direct and indirect) covered by the proposed programme
  • number and methods of including volunteers in preparing and implementing the proposed programme
  • number and role of partners in implementing the proposed programme
  • donors’ contribution to the implementation of the proposed programme (monetary and non-monetary)
  • importance of the proposed programme for Rijeka citizens
  • contribution of the proposed programme to the promotion and affirmation of the work of the local board councils and local self-government of the City of Rijeka
  • overall quality of the proposed programme (clarity and completeness of the application; programme described in a quality manner; development of an action plan; program visibility; cost-benefit ratio and program feasibility
  • contribution of the proposed programme to the achievement of the specific objectives of each programme field as defined in the Special Instructions
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